Professionals support
If you're a professional who works with children you can refer families into the Live Life Better Derbyshire family lifestyles offer using the referal form.
Family Support
Staying healthy starts early and there's plenty of things that the whole family can do to stay fit, active and well.
Making small lifestyle changes can really have a big impact.
You can find help, advice and support around giving children the best start in life on the following webpages.
HENRY offers advice and support on healthy eating and reducing meal time stress.
Derbyshire County Council’s children’s centres offer a range of services and support.
It’s About Me - Derbyshire Holidays activity and Food programme
All children deserve a good break and schools holidays are better when children and young people are active, having fun, being entertained and learning new things.
It’s About Me holiday clubs are for children aged 5 to 16 who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals. There are free activities including games, cookery, arts and crafts, sports, health and wellbeing and much more.
Find out more, and book your session, at It's About Me.
The Derbyshire Family Health service offers a wide range of support for 0 - 19 children's health including oral health, breastfeeding, infant nutrition and more.
Better Health Healthier Families - healthy food and activity tips for you and your children.
Healthy weight - lots of ideas for simple changes to help keep your child at a healthy weight and enjoying life.
Food facts - from getting your five a day to fat, salt and sugar guidance. Eating a healthy, balanced diet can all seem a bit overwhelming. But Change4Life has some straightforward food advice.
You can also find lots of new recipes to try with your family at Food. A fact of Life.
You can also download the free food scanner app.
NHS - Live Well - information from the NHS on healthy living for adults and children including how to move more.
Emotional support
Struggling with weight issues can be linked with emotional health and children may experience bullying and low self-esteem linked to their weight.
Local support for children and young people can be found at Action for Children.
You might like to try the five ways to wellbeing to improve your emotional wellbeing too and view videos on Youtube.
Overweight children
You can find help and advice on helping your child to achieve a healthy weight on the following websites:
Underweight children
You can find help and advice on helping your child to achieve a healthy weight on the following websites: